About Us
Our mission is to cultivate a prosperous and growing community by promoting, supporting, connecting and advocating for Wheat Ridge business.
The Wheat Ridge Chamber is lead by a dedicated, volunteer board of directors and a passionate executive team. The success of our members and the small businesses in Wheat Ridge is vital to a thriving, local community.
Our members connect through our networking and community events and form professional and often times strong personal bonds. We promote each other's businesses through referrals and unwavering support.
Stop in to say hi and learn more!
Wheat Ridge Visitor's Center
7230 W. 38th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO
Offices Hours: M,W,F 7:30AM - 10:00AM
Here are Our Top 10 Reasons to Join the Chamber!
1) Credibility and visibility
2) Create networking opportunities
3) Building valuable community relationships
4) Make business contacts
5) Advocacy for your business
6) Gain referrals
7) Access to information and resources
8) Gain connections
9) Community support
10) Chamber events and programming